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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tekken 2 PlayStation 1 Cheats

Easy Way To Win
Go to options put easy mode. Then put 1 round only.Then were it says "Change character on continue put yes." Get your best fighter go through the game with him or her. When you fight with Devil lose then choose a character like King beat Devil and get a new character. Do this throughout the game with another character and you keep on getting new characters.

Gear Change
Select a character with Triangle or Square for clothing style one.
Select a character with Circle or X for clothing style two.

Big Head Mode
Hold Down and Select then choose a character. Keeo it held down until the round begins.

Go to the Character Selection Screen, hold Up and Select, then choose a character.

Instant Win
Highlight the Option Mode and press R1, then press O, O, X, X, O, Triangle. At the beginning of the game hold R1 and L1 to win the fight. Works with One Player game only.

Theatre Mode
1. Make sure the 2nd Controller is Unplugged.
2. Make sure ALL Characters Are in your Memory Card.
3. Boot up the game. When NAMCO PRESENTS appears Press Up, Right, Circle, X and Select and hold the buttons down when the game starts it won't start the same way as usual.

Personal View/Green Wire Frame
For a personal view of characters you must have all 25 characters saved to the memory card. If you have all the characters saved to the memory card then: When choosing a character hold L1 + L2 until the fight starts. You should have a personal view of your opponent and your character should be animated in a green wire frame.

After you win a match press & hold X or Square and your player will taunt the loser. NOTE : This only works with some players.

Get Roger and Alex
First, you need to have all of the other characters in the game. Now, start on Arcade Mode, and when you get to the third match win with only an tiny bit of energy left. If you did it right you should hear the word "Great!". The next match will be against Roger or Alex. If you beat them they are yours. Roger and Alex are two joke characters, so only pick them for a laugh. Roger is a kangaroo and Alex is a raptor! To make this cheat a little easier, set the number of rounds to 1 and the game difficulty to Easy.

Getting All Characters
1. Wang: Beat the game with Jun.
2. Kunimitsu: Beat the game with Yoshimitsu.
3. Anna: Beat the game with Nina.
4. Baek: Beat the game with Law.
5. Lee: Beat the game with Heihachi.
6. Kuma: Beat the game with Paul.
7. Prototype Jack: Beat the game with Jack-2.
8. Armor King: Beat the game with King.
9. Ganryu: Beat the game with Michelle.
10. Bruce: Beat the game with Lei.
11. Kazuya: Beat the game with any sub-boss (one of the guys that you obtained earlier).
12. Devil: Beat the game with Kazuya.
13. Purple-Suited Kazuya: Highlight Kazuya and then press Start.

Play As Angel
After you have beaten the game and unlocked all of the secret characters, choose arcade or VS. mode. When selecting your character, choose devil. When you start the fight, you will be playing as angel.

Fight as Angel
Beat Devil using Kazuya, then select your fighter (Devil) by pressing the Kick button.

Fight as Devil
Beat Devil using Kazuya, then select your fighter (Devil) using the Punch button.

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